Use out-of-the-box academic and operational reports, or customise your own. Automate email updates and schedule report delivery.
Build a Comprehensive Academic and Operations Reporting Library

Features of Academic Reporting

Real-time retention

Easily group related

Live retention

Student case

Capture student

Book student

Customise stakeholder reports
Filter your academic dashboard to surface the students you are looking for. Export your views.
Export Students
PDF & CSV Files

Custom Filters
Save Views
Report on everything
Users with the right permissions can export reports on all student and campus data within the system. Meet and exceed all academic reporting requirements.
Define Ranges
Set your student attendance report parameters.

Choose Columns
Select the columns you’d like to appear in your student attendance report.
Bulk Select
Individually choose or bulk select all students you’d like to include in your student engagement report.

Engagement Filters
Set the parameters for your student engagement report. Apply your custom filters and save your view.
Export Cases
Select the student cases you would like to export. Create pdf. and csv. student case management reports.

Manage Workloads
Easily assign cases to personal tutors, academic advisors, and case managers for even workload distribution.
Online Vs In-person
Distinguish at a glance how a student is interacting with their learning.

Full Audit Trail
Store all activity in the student profile for a complete picture of the student journey.
Drill Down
View space utilisation by site, building, or room for a detailed breakdown on campus efficiency.

Slide Filters
Create space utilisation reports that fall within scalable parameters.
The benefits of academic reports
Securely generate visa, financial aid, and performance based funding compliance reports.
Ensure Data Privacy
Keep sensitive student information and data secure. Our role based security gives admins the ultimate control over every field in the system. Users only see the information that is relevant for them. Subsequently, they can only export and report on the data they have available.

Save Time
Use our custom workflows to automate reporting processes and updates. Use pre-built email templates with pdf. or csv. reports attached and circulate them between relevant faculty and staff. Set and forget your academic report workflows.
Reduce Paper Waste
SEAtS mobile and web apps are built entirely on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This means that all of our reports are paperless. If you have paper student records, they can be added as attachments to one centralised system, eliminating the need to circulate paper between departments. Exports are in pdf. and csv. formats.