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We are a Juniper-Mist Partner. Together, we have developed an integration between Juniper-Mist networks and SEAtS Mobile App. Our campus network connector delivers on the promise of real-time location services and makes your campus data go further.

Juniper Mist Connector

Real-Time Location Data

Prevent Overcrowding

Engage At-Risk Students

How SEAtS Juniper-Mist campus network integration works

Combine learner and campus analytics with real-time location data to automate distancing in the classroom and send overcrowding warnings to students’ smartphone or tablet.


Install Connector

Work closely with SEAtS Customer Success Team to install SEAtS Juniper-Mist Network Connector with existing network access points.

Stream Data

Switch on the Network Connector to begin the flow of historical location and student and campus engagement data between SEAtS and Juniper-Mist.

Map Virtual Beacons

Replace the need for physical beacons. Map virtual beacons to the exact teaching space configuration needed for accurate location services to 1 metre.

Review by Data Audit Team

Check-in with the SEAtS Data Audit Team to ensure that you have complete coverage on campus and location-based alerts are firing.

Configure Specific Mappings

Here is where you can define what true student engagement means at your institution. Work with SEAtS to connect your existing systems.

Go Live

Your Juniper-Mist Network Connector is now fully setup and ready to go live! Get more from your campus data.

Key features for enabling real-time location services

We want you to have the tools you need at-hand, when you need them.

Room Capacity Management

Easily set and search for each room’s capacity to ensure that students and lecturers have enough space to engage without unnecessarily wasting light and heat energy.

Location-Based Alerts

Send real-time notifications straight to a student’s smartphone based off of their location. Whether you want to send overcrowding warnings or alert students to services nearby.

Live Space Dashboard

Move from hourly utilisation updates to real-time. Get the most accurate picture possible of how well space is being used at your institution and identify areas for improvement.

Campus Integrations

Connect over 50 student touch points from your physical and virtual campuses in one easy-to-use platform. Make sense of the metrics that matter and ignore the rest.

Engagement Tracking

SEAtS Engagement Dashboards collate a student’s data signals into one engagement score relative to their peers, whether by module, course, or entire school.

Case Management

Manage student cases and communications from one dashboard. Keep track of your student support efforts, activity, and log your intervention outcomes.

What are the benefits for your campus?

SEAtS integration with Juniper-Mist saves you time and money, allowing you to focus on proactively supporting students and to create a safe and sustainable campus.

Reduce operational costs

Virtual BLE technology allows you to remove card-readers and physical Bluetooth beacons, along with their operating and upkeep costs, entirely from your campus. Identifying patterns in student attendance and engagement, as well as classroom utilisation, allows you to optimise timetables for online and offsite learning and to reduce heat and light energy output.

University IT administrator and campus planner creating matrix of virtual Bluetooth beacons and space utilisation metrics
Asian female student using SEAtS Mobile app to register her own attendance using virtual Bluetooth beacons.

Get your time back

For lecturers, they benefit from having a semi-automated approach to student attendance data capture. Once a student is within proximity of a VBLE beacon, they will be prompted to check-in via the SEAtS Mobile App. Use the time saved from each class taking paper-based registers for more teaching opportunities. Create a seamless and uninterrupted learning experience.

Improve campus safety and sustainability

Send real-time safety alerts to students’ smartphones based off their location, whether that is overcrowding or simply things to be aware of on campus. This real-time location data also feeds our space utilisation dashboard, so you can measure campus efficiencies by campus, building, room. Identify underutilised space and opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint.

Male student walking into university school building with SEAtS Mobile App room capacity alert and seating efficiency percentages

Get a free discovery call!

Reach out to SEAtS today and learn more about SEAtS Juniper-Mist Campus Network Connector.