SEAtS Software helps institutions identify at-risk students, alert staff and reduce dropouts. Track key performance indicators and attrition metrics. Automatically identify students with low engagement in real-time and reach out before they drop-off. Improve student retention and graduation rates with ease.
Improve Student Retention Rates Across Your Institution

Features for Student Retention

Capture Attendance

Real-time Alerts

Live Retention Dashboards

Automate Interventions

Customer Success Story
Learn how Aston University successfully boosted retention rates by implementing an early alert system for students with low engagement.

Institutions face the ongoing challenge of achieving Better Student Retention rates. Read how engagement tracking, engagement dashboards, and personalized tutoring, impact on student retention and academic success.

Check out our Brochure:
Student Retention
When students remain enrolled and complete their studies, universities benefit from increased tuition revenue and positive word-of-mouth referrals. How can they effectively keep students engaged and support them in successfully completing their academic journey?