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In this article, we will dive into proven intervention strategies that can make a significant difference in the lives of students who are facing difficulties and struggling in their academic journey.

Education is a journey, and some students may face obstacles that impact their learning and progress. Struggling students need effective support and guidance to overcome these obstacles and achieve their academic goals. Implementing the right intervention strategies to support these students is crucial in helping them succeed.

From personalized support plans to targeted advising, this article will explore various strategies that have been proven to be effective in helping struggling students reach their full potential.

Common Challenges Students Face

Students often face various barriers that hinder their academic success. Some common barriers include:

Academic Stress

Many students are academically unprepared for college and struggle adapting to their courses and workload. Other students may suffer from learning difficulties or lack the critical skills needed to succeed at university.

Personal or Family Challenges

Students often have complicated family situations or suffer with mental health issues that cause them stress and anxiety.

Financial Uncertainty

Many students struggle to support themselves financially throughout education. Some have part-time and full-time jobs as well as attending college, others rely heavily on financial aid and scholarships to be able to attend university.

Identifying Struggling Students

Reaching struggling students through effective intervention strategies requires early identification. But how can educators effectively spot students who might be struggling? Some of the key indicators are:

  • Poor academic performance
  • Low class attendance and participation
  • Missed or late assignment deadlines
  • Poor social skills or lack of campus engagement
  • Consistent interactions with support services
intervention strategies for struggling students

What is an Intervention Strategy?

Intervention strategies are actions or programs that aim to help struggling students overcome their challenges and improve their academic performance and well-being.

Intervention strategies can provide struggling students with the support, guidance, feedback, and resources they need to succeed at university. They can also prevent students from dropping out, failing courses, or developing more serious problems.

Intervention Strategies for Struggling Students

Intervention strategies can help struggling students by filling in the gaps in their knowledge and skills, boosting their confidence and motivation, enhancing their engagement and reducing their stress and anxiety. It is important to recognise that effective intervention strategies go beyond academics, and holistic support plays a huge role in student success

Some of the proven intervention strategies that can help struggling students are:

Academic support

Academic support includes tutoring, mentoring, coaching, study skills workshops, peer learning groups, online learning modules, feedback sessions, or academic advising. Academic support can target the areas where students are struggling and help them improve their knowledge, skills, confidence, and motivation in their courses.

Personal support

Personal support includes counseling, therapy, coaching, mentoring, peer support groups, online forums, self-help resources, or referrals to external services. Personal support can help address the issues students are facing and teach them how to cope and overcome the challenges that affect their academic performance and well-being.

Financial support

Financial support includes budgetary advice, scholarships, grants and loans. Financial support can reduce the stress and anxiety students experience from worrying about paying for tuition, books, housing, and other expenses. It can also enable students to focus more on their studies and academic goals.

Social support

Social support includes orientation programs, extracurricular activities, clubs, societies, events, networking opportunities, diversity initiatives, or community engagement projects. Social support can help students build relationships, a social network, their sense of belonging, and improve their overall satisfaction at university.

intervention strategies for struggling students

Helpful Tools and Resources

Technology can also be a powerful tool to enhance intervention strategies by providing accessibility, engagement, feedback, and data. Personalisation is the key to effective intervention strategies. Using innovative tools such as learning analytics platforms and case management software, educators get the insights and resources they need to build personalised inteventions for students in need.

By tracking progress and measuring success, support staff can monitor student’s growth and improvement, evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the intervention strategies, and celebrate the student’s achievements and milestones.

Intervention strategies are effective ways to help struggling students overcome their difficulties and achieve their full potential at university. Intervention strategies can also benefit the university by increasing student retention, satisfaction, and success.

Intervention tools such as case management software and learning analytics can enhance the delivery and accessibility of intervention strategies. Tracking progress and measuring success can ensure the quality and impact of intervention strategies for struggling students.


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