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Importance of Attendance Management System 

In the whirlwind of their first semester, students navigate a maze of challenges – academic stress, social anxieties, homesickness, and the pressure to meet deadlines. While seasoned graduates look back at these hurdles with a sense of pride, in the moment, they can seem impossible.

In Ireland, research illustrates the dropout rate among first year college students has risen to 15% from 12% reported for the academic year 2020/2021. The US reports, first time undergraduates has a 12 month dropout rate of 24.1% in 2023. New data in Australia highlights long-term decline in attendance and retention rates.

Attendance as a Primary Indicator

In light of these challenges, it becomes imperative for institutions to offer comprehensive support services to guide students through their academic journey. 

Student attendance management serves as a primary indicator of student engagement levels in their chosen course of study. Effective attendance management correlates strongly with student retention, well-being, and overall student success.

An attendance management system also features comprehensive reporting. Universities can generate detailed attendance reports for students, courses, and schools, simplifying compliance and stakeholder reporting.

Early Signals and Comprehensive Analytics

The first step lies in identifying students in need. While midterm results offer a glimpse into academic performance, they often come too late. Attendance emerges as a vital early indicator—a tangible sign of motivation, time management, and consistency. Poor attendance, conversely, signals disengagement and potential distress.

However, attendance is just one facet of comprehensive learning analytics, which encompass a broader spectrum including test results, library visits, online activity, and event attendance. Together, these elements contribute to a holistic understanding of student progress.

Student Support Through Technology

Effective support transcends data points. It hinges on empathy, connection, and relationship-building. Sitting down with a student, understanding their concerns, and extending a helping hand can make all the difference.

Technology plays a pivotal role, SEAtS facilitate early intervention by leveraging digital signals to identify at-risk students and connect them with advisors.

SEAtS provides digital signals and sophisticated algorithms to analyse various data points related to student engagement, attendance, and overall performance.

By continuously monitoring these learning analytics, SEAtS can identify students who may be at risk of falling behind or experiencing challenges.

Student Attendance Management System

The Impact of Early Intervention

Institutions are increasingly prioritising student success through early intervention strategies driven by data analytics.

By proactively reaching out to students before they recognise their own need for assistance, universities can significantly reduce dropouts and foster a community of success, all while prioritising student well-being.

SEAtS Transformative Impact at KUL

At Kingston University London (KUL), tracking student attendance and engagement was a priority. In 2017, they adopted SEAtS Attendance and Engagement Analytics to centralise student data and intervene promptly for unengaged students. By merging attendance data with virtual learning data, KUL ensured a holistic approach to student engagement.

Over the years, KUL has made notable findings:

  • Students attending less than 20% of classes are primarily contacted via text messages.
  • Approximately 3000 students per academic year are contacted for low engagement.
  • About 150 students annually are removed due to non-engagement.
  • Student disengagement often occurs after vacation periods.
  • Students entering via Clearing, those with BTECs, and those from IMD quintiles 1 & 2 attend less.
  • Students in private rented accommodation in the local area are more likely to disengage with their studies.

Through automated communication and visual student progression tracking, SEAtS has transformed KUL’s approach to student welfare, improving retention and progression outcomes while supporting wider participation initiatives.

Check out Kingston University London Case study 

Kingston University London


Within the educational landscape, the role of attendance management systems is pivotal. They serve as a vital tool in identifying and supporting students facing academic and personal challenges. With dropout rates on the rise globally, the need for early intervention has never been more pressing.

Looking ahead, the significance of attendance management systems will only continue to grow. As universities strive to cultivate resilient and successful communities, the importance of early intervention and personalised support cannot be overstated.


Interested in learning more about how SEAtS can help you implement more effective student interventions? Contact Us Today!